Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Lewisham Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Conference 23 January 2024

The Lewisham Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Conference was held 23 January 2024.

The conference was very well attended with representation from all local health and social care services. For those who were unable to make it on the day, the presentations from the Conference are available for you to read and download.

Modern Slavery in Supply Chains - London Borough of Lewisham

Responding to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in Lewisham - Human Trafficking Foundation

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Lewisham - Metropolitan Police Service

Operation Makesafe has been developed in partnership with London’s boroughs to raise awareness of child exploitation in the business community, such as hotels, licensed premises, taxi companies, shops, and care homes. The purpose of Operation Makesafe is to empower businesses and organisations to tackle child exploitation through increased awareness and training.

Links to further learning, advice and organisations that were shared at the Conference.

Modern Slavery: Duty to notify

Do you know that you have a duty to notify the Home Office of potential victims of modern slavery?

The Modern Slavery Fact-sheet can tell you more on your duty to notify.

The Home Office has published new modern slavery it's closer than you think campaign resources which brings together documents and promotional material related to the awareness campaign on modern slavery which you can use in your local campaigns.

Identification of victims

The Home Office has produced Modern Slavery Victims - Guidance, Referral and Assessment Forms which gives information on how to identify and refer potential victims of modern slavery/human trafficking to the national referral mechanism.

Lewisham Modern Slavery Victim Care Pathway

A new local guidance document on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking will be published later in 2022, but professionals should also refer to the Lewisham Modern Slavery Victim Care Pathway

What is the National Referral Mechanism?

The national referral mechanism (NRM) is a victim identification and support process. The NRM is designed to make it easier for all agencies that could be involved in a trafficking case (eg the police, UK Visas and Immigration, local authorities, non-governmental organisations) to share information about potential victims and facilitate their access to advice, accommodation and support.

The guidance document gives information including:

  • What the NRM is
  • The referral process
  • How to complete the referral forms

Slavery and human trafficking in supply chains: guidance for businesses

The Home Office provides Statutory guidance for organisations on how to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in their business or supply chains.

Links to further information and resources

Lewisham Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking 7 Minute Briefing

Hope for Justice exist to bring an end to modern slavery by rescuing victims, restoring lives, and reforming society.

Hope for Justice also have comprehensive briefing documents that define human trafficking, outline the UK and global markets for the exploitation of human beings and analyse the current mechanisms for addressing this complex crime.

Human Trafficking Foundation (HTF) is a UK-based charity which grew out of the work of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Human Trafficking. HTF was created in order to support and add value to the work of the many charities and agencies operating to combat human trafficking in the UK.

London Directory of Support Services

The Human Trafficking Foundation has created a Directory of Survivor Support Services in London, which is constantly updated.

Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA)

Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse Information Resources