Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board

Think Family

In April 2023, the Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) and Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) jointly agreed to focus on Think Family as a strategic priority. Learning from Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and Safeguarding Adults Reviews have highlighted the importance of adult and children’s services working collaboratively and taking a joined up, whole family approach.

The development of the Think Family Practice Guidance is designed to help define our Think Family approach and to support practitioners in achieving this.

The Board along with the Lewisham Safeguarding Children's Partnership has also produced a toolkit for professionals Working with Father's and Male Carers Toolkit,                                                      along with the toolkit are a Toolkit Checklist and a list of Local Resources which focus on men. 

Think Family Poster image

We have also produced a helpful Think Family Poster to support practitioners.

This important area of work will continue on into 2024-25. Read more about our priorities for 2024-2025.

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Mental Health Think Family Strategy 2022-2025

The aim of the SLaM Think Family Strategy is prevention and recognition of family need and wellbeing and thereby trying to ensure positive outcomes for the whole family. Effective partnership working with families: parents, carers, young people and children, and other services is a key component of this strategy. It applies to adult mental health services, this includes Addictions, Older Adults and Learning Disability services, and Child and Adolescent services and aims to ensure improved partnership working across these services to enable seamless support for either or both parent and child.