Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board

What happens after you report your concerns

Once a report of suspected adult abuse or neglect is made, the organisation you reported your concerns to will take steps to ensure the immediate safety of the person and anyone else who may be affected. You can be assured that all reports of suspected abuse or neglect are taken seriously and are confidential.

Collecting information

When a report of suspected adult abuse is received further information will be gathered. If the adult at risk is unable to speak for themselves they can choose someone to act on their behalf such as a friend or family member. If this isn’t possible Adult Social Care can arrange for an independent person to do this, they are known as an Advocate.

They will talk to the person, or a suitable representative on their behalf, to find out what is happening and then work together to plan what can be done to help keep them safe and as independent as possible.

People involved

Where necessary Adult Social Care will investigate allegations of abuse with partner organisations and take appropriate action.


Sometimes a meeting is needed. The individual, or the person who acts on their behalf, may be invited to a meeting called a safeguarding planning meeting. During this meeting concerns will be discussed and the Chairperson will ensure that everybody has their say.

The Chairperson will ensure that everything that was agreed to be done is being done, and decide if any further action is needed. A safeguarding plan may be agreed to continue to keep the person safe.

Sometimes they will need to arrange further meetings to review the safeguarding plan and make changes if necessary to ensure the person continues to remain safe.

What if you don’t want anything to happen?

If the abuse is happening to you, you have a right to say what you want to be done about it. You will always be asked what you want and who you want to be involved.

Sometimes there are other people who may also be in danger and the abuse is too serious for people to do nothing. Professionals have a duty of care to you and other people and may have to act against your wishes. If this has to happen you will always be told why.

What if you’re not happy?

If you’re not happy about the safeguarding adults process Lewisham Adult Social Care would like to know why. You can speak to the Chairperson who was involved in your meetings, or you can contact the Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Manager.

Positive Outcomes

This video Safeguarding Adults- An Independent Life After Abuse produced by the Social Care Institute for Excellence shows the positive outcomes the safeguarding process can have on a person who has been abused.