Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership


The policy exemplars below have either been created specifically for Lewisham Local Authority, or are readily available examples from other schools/local authorities that are already online.  Each school/setting must take full responsibility for any policies which it uses to produce its own, ensuring that it is amended to make it relevant and appropriate for its respective context.  Any relevant updates which may need to be applied are again the responsibility for individual schools/settings.

N.B. It is acceptable for Private Fostering and Separated Parents Policies to be incorporated into a school’s Safeguarding/CP Policy as opposed to having separate policies if they so choose.

LSCB Anti-Bullying Resource

Lewisham Safeguarding/CP template 2019/20

Sedgehill Staff Code of Conduct

Safe Touching

Touch and Physical Contact

Private Fostering

Separated Parents

Drop-off and collection of children

LSCB Resolving Professional Differences Protocol - Under revision

LSCB Resolving Professional Differences Record

“Wide Horizons – Educational Visits Policy – There and Back Again (TABA) September 2017”

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