We can all help to prevent adult abuse and neglect by supporting the delivery of these key objectives:
1. Improve Public Awareness
This can be achieved by helping to support awareness building campaigns and by signposting adults to appropriate sources of information. One easy way to do this is by following @lewisham_sab on Twitter and supporting the campaigns we deliver.
2. Identify Adults who May be at Increased Risk
There are many factors which might increase the risks of adult abuse and neglect including: older age; physical, mental, sensory, learning or cognitive illness or disability; and having to rely on others for health and social care support.
3. Identifying & Responding Effectively to Abuse
Organisations and individuals working to improve their understanding and early identification of the different types of adult abuse, so that an effective response can be achieved in conjunction with the adults views and wishes.
4. Consistent & Widespread Application of Policies & Procedures
It is important for organisations delivering services to adults to have appropriate policies and procedures which are developed in line with guidance from the Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board, and embedded into the practice of all professionals. See: Pathway Resources
5. Focus on Equality & Narrowing Inequality
Adults from financially deprived backgrounds are more likely to become an ‘identified’ victim of adult abuse and neglect, and it is less likely that an adult from some ethnic minority communities will be engaged with statutory services in Lewisham. All professionals can help to improve reporting and equal access to protective services.
This Government Guidance provides some excellent information and resources to help reduce inequality: Inclusion Health: Applying All Our Health (May 2021)
6. Help Adults to Protect Themselves
Every organisation delivering services to adults at risk of abuse and neglect can identify ways in which they can help to inform, and support adults in protecting themselves from abuse.
See this Web Page which has useful advice and services that exist locally: Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board - SCAMS Information and Advice
7. Provide Information, Advice & Advocacy
Individual organisations will know the communication needs of their client groups, and as such are best placed to provide bespoke adult safeguarding information in the most appropriate formats, methods and languages. See: Pathway Resources
More information on the Statutory Advocacy Provider in Lewisham can be found here:
8. Provide Access to Training & Education
Organisations have a responsibility to provide access to up to date and relevant adult safeguarding training for their staff and volunteers, and additional support for the person (s) responsible for leading on this subject within that agency.
Infographic - It all Points to Prevention
All Points Towards Prevention Infographic November 2023
9. Support Broader Wellbeing Strategies
There is a clearly established link between the prevention of adult abuse and broader health and wellbeing strategies, including the reduction of social isolation and loneliness. Organisations can help to engage adults in these type of strategies, which will also indirectly help to prevent adult abuse.
Preventing abuse and neglect of adults with care and support needs - SCIE
This video Safeguarding Adults - Helping People To Protect Themselves From Crime which has been produced by the Social Care Institute for Excellence, shows what care workers and others who are in contact with adults at risk can do to help them protect themselves from crime.
This video Safeguarding Adults - Looking Out For Each Other To Prevent Abuse which has been produced by the Social Care Institute for Excellence, can be helpful to highlight what the local community can do to protect themselves and those they care about.
Feeling lonely or isolated? - Age UK Silver Line
As we get older, we may find we spend more time on our own. This can sometimes feel lonely, boring or make us miss friends or family.
If you or someone you know is missing the joy of regular conversation,
The Silver Line Helpline run by Age UK is a free, 24-hour telephone service for older people across the UK.
We offer friendship, conversation, and support for people aged 55 or over, especially those who may be experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Find out more about the Silver Line
London Fire Brigade - Home Fire Safety Checker
Get started with the Home Fire Safety Checker
Metropolitan Police- Lewisham - Personal safety: how to stay safe
Tips and advice on keeping yourself protected from crime: from pickpocketing and personal robbery to harassment and dealing with violent situations.
Independent Age - Advice and support for older age
Independent Age have some great advice on what can cause falls, what you can do if you do fall and where to find out further information.
Staying steady on your feet
Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust offer a falls rehabilitation service which you can access via referral from your GP.
Age UK Lewisham and Southwark
Age UK Lewisham and Southwark exists to improve the lives of older people in the London Boroughs of Lewisham and Southwark, working towards a future in which older people are valued, safe and empowered to make choices about their lives.
Age UK Lewisham and Southwark aims to empower and enable older people to lead fulfilled lives by:
Providing services and support that address poverty and isolation
Protecting the human rights of local older people
Promoting health and wellbeing
Connecting older people with their communities
Working positively with partners across all sectors
Protect yourself from fraud and cyber crime with Action Fraud
How much do you really know about fraud and cyber crime? Action Fraud has lots of helpful information and advice on how to keep you safe.
See this Web Page which has useful advice and services that exist locally: Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board - SCAMS Information and Advice
Please let us know if you have any thoughts or ideas in relation to prevention.
There are two ways that you can get in contact with us, by email or letter.
Email Us
Postal Address: Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board, C/o London Borough of Lewisham, 3rd Floor, Laurence House, Catford, London, SE6 4RU.