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Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership

If you are worried about the welfare or safety of a child or young person

Email: mashagency@lewisham.gov.uk

Tel: 020 8314 6660


It is essential that everyone working with children, young people and families completes the Safeguarding Level 1 course before undertaking any LSCB training advertised in our programme. It is recommended that you repeat this course every three years. This training package will be updated as necessary to take account of local and national policy changes. 

You should be familiar with your safeguarding children responsibilities and local policies. This can be obtained through your designated safeguarding lead, training provided by your organisation, previous LSCP training or online sources. The Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership is a multi-agency partnership of agencies, organisations and professional groups responsible for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, including protecting them from abuse and neglect.

The MeLearning training has not been renewed.  We are aiming to have alternative Safeguarding Children Level 1 and Level 2 available as soon as possible.

Course information found in this Section

  1. Prevent Awareness, Home Office E-Learning
  2. Prevent Referrals
  3. Channel General Awareness on Prevent
  4. Home Office Female Genital Mutilation Resource Pack & Learning 
  5. HM Government Forced Marriage Awareness Resources & Learning
  6. Understanding Domestic Violence & Abuse Level 1 - AVA Project
  7. Complicated Matters: Domestic and Sexual Violence, Problematic Substance Misuse and Mental Ill Health - AVA Project
  8. All About Bullying - Anti-Bullying Alliance
  9. Home Office’s First Responder training on child trafficking and modern slavery.
  10. “Welcoming unaccompanied minors”, by Apprentis D'Auteuil
  11. Suicide Awareness Training, ZSA

    1. Prevent Awareness

    Duration 45 minutes.

    The Prevent awareness eLearning has recently been refreshed. This includes updates to reflect the recommendations from the Parsons Green review, updated information following the change in threat and attacks of 2017, and new case studies.  

    2. Prevent Referrals

    The training is for anyone who has been through the Prevent awareness eLearning or a Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent (WRAP), and so already has an understanding of Prevent and of their role in safeguarding vulnerable people. 

    The training follows on from the Prevent awareness training which introduces users to the NOTICE-CHECK-SHARE procedure for evaluating and sharing concerns relating to radicalisation. The package shares best practice on how to articulate concerns about an individual, and ensure that they are robust and considered. It is aimed at anyone who may be in a position to notice signs of vulnerability to radicalisation and aims to give them confidence in referring on for help if appropriate. It is also designed for those (for example line managers) who may receive these referrals and have to consider how to respond, whether that be establishing more context, or reaching out to partner agencies for support.  

    3. Channel General Awareness of Prevent 

    Duration 25 minutes:

    This module provides information on Channel and what your duties and responsibilities are in the process.

    This module will:-

    • Explain how Channel links to the governments counter-terrorism strategy (CONTEST).
    • Describe the Channel process and it’s purpose.
    • Help you to identify factors that can make people vulnerable to radicalisation.
    • Define safeguarding and risk ownership of the Channel process.

    4. Home Office FGM Course - Recognising and Preventing FGM / Cutting / Female Circumcision

    Duration 1 hour.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Understanding what FGM is and distinguish the four types of FGM.
    • Identify key health risks and consequences of FGM.
    • State the legal position in the UK regarding FGM.
    • Understand how and when FGM is carried out.
    • Identify who is at risk of FGM and describe the key indicators.
    • List some of the common justifications for FGM.
    • Be aware of your role in preventing FGM and supporting those who have undergone FGM.

    5. Awareness of Forced Marriage

    Learning outcomes:

    • Recognise the warning signs of forced marriage.
    • Take the right actions to help protect the potential victim.
    • Cooperate effectively with other agencies.

    6. Understanding Domestic Violence and Abuse Level 1 and Level 2 AVA Project

    7. Complicated Matters: domestic and sexual violence, problematic substance use and mental ill health. AVA Project

    8. All About Bullying - Anti-Bullying Alliance

    As part of the Anti-Bullying Alliance All Together programme they have developed a suite of free online training for anyone that works with children and young people. The programme was particularly developed to reduce levels of bullying of disabled children and those with special educational needs (SEN) but applies to all children.

    Training modules include: 

    • What is bullying? 
    • Bullying and the Law 
    • Bullying and SEN/disability 
    • 10 principles to reduce bullying
    • Preventing bullying
    • Responding to bullying
    • Cyberbullying

    Each module takes between 30-45 minutes to complete. The training is free to complete online from any computer/tablet. You can complete it at your own pace. This ABA online course is CPD approved which means it is certified as counting towards your continuing professional development.

    9. Home Office’s First Responder training on child trafficking and modern slavery.

    Responding to child victims of modern slavery presents unique challenges for practitioners working on the frontline. This child-specific programme seeks to build on what you already know as a First Responder and/or safeguarding partner. The programme covers child-specific indicators of modern slavery, while also taking a closer look at forms of exploitation that are particularly prevalent. The programme guides the learner through the safeguarding and NRM referral processes, exploring best practice and the specific knowledge required to respond to child cases of modern slavery.

    To complete the course click here.

    10. “Welcoming unaccompanied minors”, by Apprentis D'Auteuil

    Created by social work practitioners and academics across Europe, this interactive course gives really clear guidance on working with unaccompanied young people, as well as helping practitioners understand their experience. Due to the close link between unaccompanied young people and victims of trafficking, If you would like to access this training you can register for this course at this link here

    View & Book

    11. Suicide Awareness Training

    Our Suicide Awareness Training is a short, free, online course that can be taken by anyone who wants to learn basic suicide awareness and prevention skills.

    We believe suicide is preventable and we know that sometimes all it takes to save a life is a conversation.

    Who it's for

    The training is aimed at anyone aged 16 and over who wants to know what to do if they’re ever in a situation where someone they know or see may be struggling with thoughts of suicide.

    What you'll learn

    The training will take you through:  

    • suicide risk factors
    • suicide warning signs
    • coached scenarios sharing approaches for how you can talk to someone you’re worried about
    • videos from people sharing real experiences
    • where to find information about available support

    At the end of the course, you’ll get a training certificate to download.

    We hope through the training, more people will feel equipped and confident to talk to someone who may be struggling.

    How long it takes to complete

    This is a short online course that can be taken at your own pace. You can choose the parts of the course that you interact with. We recommend allowing yourself at least 30 minutes.

    Version 2 of this training launched on 10 September 2024. This training replaces the Suicide Awareness Training launched in 2017.

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